To make a great film, you need 3 things - the script, the script & the script.
Alfred Hitchcock
Legacy International screenplay competition
Storytelling is at the heart of every great film and series. It has the power to inspire, entertain, and connect us on a profound level. At Legacy Inspired Films, we're constantly on the lookout for new stories, new perspectives, and new voices, that are ready to be heard.
That's why we've created the Legacy International Screenplay Competition. We want to support emerging screenwriters on their journey of becoming the best artist they can be and of getting their work out into the world. Our festival provides a platform to enhance your skills, showcase your work, and be seen by industry executives, producers, and fellow artists.
We believe that hard work and continuous growth lead to outstanding projects. Our commitment is to support everyone who submits to our competition - not just the ones who get selected. That's why we reward EVERYONE who submits to our competition in the way that serves them best (please take a look at Awards & Prizes for details).
We're excited to read your story and to help you kick start your career in entertainment!
Awards & Prizes
Every submission will receive written FEEDBACK from at least two (2) industry professionals on the screenplay submitted. Regardless of the outcome, you will gain valuable insights that will benefit your future projects.
All selected screenplays will be awarded our custom LAURELS, indicating the quality and excellence of your work.
Nominees in each category will be featured in an exclusive INTERVIEW on our website and social media platforms. This is a fantastic opportunity to highlight your work, showcase your talent, and share your unique perspective with the industry!
For the outstanding screenplays submitted, AWARDS will be presented in the following categories:
- Best Vertical Series Pilot
- Best Streaming Series Pilot
- Best Short Film Script
- Best Feature Film Script
The winner and runner-up in each category will have the chance to PITCH their project in a professional setting to producers at Legacy Inspired Films and partnering production companies.
Rules & Terms
1. Non-Refundable Fees: All fees are non-refundable.
2. Submission Platform: All projects must be submitted via FilmFreeway.
3. Submission Format: All projects must be submitted in PDF format.
4. Legal Rights: The submitter must hold all legal rights for the submission.
5. Production Timeline: Submitted projects must have been written within the last 5 years.
6. Maximum Length: The maximum length for vertical series scripts is 12 pages or 3 episodes (whichever is shorter), for short film scripts it's 25 pages, for streaming series pilot scripts it's 45 pages, and for feature-length scripts it's 125 pages.
7. Language and Writing Requirements: All submissions must be in English. All submissions must be written by a human.
8. Content Restrictions: Submitted projects cannot promote racism, discrimination, or criminal behavior of any kind. No pornographic content. No AI generated content.
9. Content Guidelines Vertical Series/ Streaming Series/ Short Film: projects can have any content, genre and story lines that are in accordance with rule 8.
10. Content Guidelines Feature Film Screenplays: Submitted screenplays can be in any genre and follow any story lines that are in accordance with rule 8. In addition, submitted screenplays must involve one (1) of the following topics: film3, web3, cryptocurrency, AI, metaverse. Any level of relevancy of that topic to the story is acceptable.
11. Judging Criteria. We will judge the submitted work based on the following criteria: (a) quality of work (b) originality (c) storytelling efficiency and (d) story appeal.
12. Final Decisions: All decisions regarding selections, nominees and award winners are considered final and incontestable.
13. Pitch Eligibility: The winner and runner-up of each category will be eligible to pitch their projects to the producers of Legacy Inspired Films (LIF)
14. Required Materials: In order to pitch their project, screenwriters must have a professional pitch deck, as well as a preliminary budget, ready to be sent ahead of the pitch. A story bible can be added, but is not necessary.
15. Production Guarantee: LIF does not guarantee production or hiring.
16. Marketing Use: The competition reserves the right to use images from the contest or the pitch meeting for marketing purposes.
17. Confidentiality: All personal contact information is to remain confidential and not to be shared with any third parties.